Botanica San Antonio's roots derive from Mexico but originated in Texas and in 2007 was settled in Utah. Botanica San Antonio has evolved into one of the top spiritual businesses in Utah. It has reached many across the state, nation, and globally.
Botanica San Antonio welcomes all who are open minded and believers that there is more to this world than what we see. It is home to many spirits, religions, deities, and values. To help all those with true necessity is the mission of Botanica San Antonio.
The store is family owned with a Mother and son duo, side by side running their spiritual business. The shop is not a regular New Age shop, it is a Mexican botánica which is a retail store that sells religious candles, statuary, amulets, and other products regarded as magical or as alternative medicine.
San Antonio de Padua is spanish for St. Anthony of Padua. He has been the patron saint of the Tavera family for decades. The botanica was named in his honor. Saint Anthony is one of the most popular saints of the Catholic Church. He was a Franciscan preacher and teacher. Born in Lisbon, Portugal on August 15th, 1195 and died at the age of 36 on June 13th, 1231. He was canonized a year later. Saint Anthony is the patron saint of lost items and to find a good girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband. He is responsive to all people and all needs.
Botanica San Antonio is home to La Santisima Muerte. In Mexico people have believed in the Holy Death since prehistoric times more than 3,000 years ago. Today she is known as many names; La Flakita, La Comadre, La Bonita, La Niña, La Santa Señora, and many more. She is depicted in her long tunic, holding her scythe or balance in the right hand and the world in her left. Her official celebration day is August 15th known as 'Dia de la Santa Muerte'. To many being a devotee to our Lady of Holy Death is a reason to shutter in dismay or to shy away in fear and disbelief. But Our Lady of Holy Death is a caring grandmother/mother/friend, she listens when you are down, she accepts without caring about ones past or present. She helps all those in need. In other words she does not differentiate amongst her believers. She is all powerful, she is all caring, she is a symbol of fear and respect, she is symbol of peace and serenity. Today, many categorize believing in Holy Death as a pagan religion/cult, one which is vastly growing around the world and gaining numerous believers. Botanica San Antonio is proud to call themselves firm believers and followers of Our Santisima Muerte, and being home to her, welcoming all believers. Botanica San Antonio holds an annual party towards the beginning of July in Our Lady of Holy Deaths honor. All her devotees gather to give thanks for all of the blessings and miracles they have recieved through out the year.
PLEASE JOIN US FOR OUR ANNUAL CELEBRATION IN HONOR OF OUR HOLY DEATH, HELD EVERY MONTH OF JULY ON THE FIRST SATURDAY OF THE MONTH (for additional information please give us a call or send us a message through our site)
Annual Party at Botanica San Antonio, Year 2015